餐具 Cutlery
A. 人氣之選
DIY 湯飯 DIY Rice in Soup
$69.00110. 皮蛋芫茜豆腐豬肉片魚湯飯 110. Preserved Egg Tofu Sliced Pork Coriander
$72.00112. 蟲草花花膠魚肚燉雞湯飯 112. Cordyceps Flower Fish Maw Chicken Soup Rice
$99.00113. 胡椒味菜豬肚湯飯 113. Peppery Pork Stomach Soup Rice
$75.00114. 鹹蛋芥菜肉片湯飯 114. Pork Gai Choy and Salted Egg
$69.00126. 客家黃酒薑絲煮滑雞湯飯 126. Chicken and Ginger in Rice Wine
B. 麻酸系列
20. 老壇酸菜煮黑魚片 20. Fish Fillet with Sour Spicy Soup in Sichuan
$89.0022. 麻辣水煮鮮牛肉 22. Beef in Sichuan Spicy Sauce
$89.0023. 麻辣水煮黑魚片 23. Fish Fillet in Sichuan Spicy Sauce
C. DIY 湯飯
DIY 湯飯 DIY Rice in Soup
D. 特式湯飯
101. 百秒黃花魚湯飯 101. Stewed Yellow Croaker with Rice in Soup
$82.00102. 紅酒牛尾湯飯 102. Ox Tail in Red Wine Soup with Rice
$85.00103. 羊肚菌人參燉烏雞湯飯 103. Black Chicken Soup with Morel and Ginseng Rice
$86.00104. 鮑魚姬松茸老雞 104. Abalone with Matsutake Mushroom and Old Chicken
$99.00105. 薑絲黃沙豬潤湯飯 105. Pork Liver and Shredded Ginger in Soup with Rice
$66.00106. 清燉陳皮鴨腿湯飯 106. Duck Trumpet and Preserved Peel in Soup with Rice
$72.00107. 勝瓜爆魚肚花膠豬肉片湯飯
$89.00108. 百秒海鱸魚湯飯 108. Stewed Sea Bass with Rice in Soup
$88.00109. 果醋豬軟骨 109. Fruit Vinegar Tenderous Ribs
$79.00110. 皮蛋芫茜豆腐豬肉片魚湯飯 110. Preserved Egg Tofu Sliced Pork Coriander
$72.00112. 蟲草花花膠魚肚燉雞湯飯 112. Cordyceps Flower Fish Maw Chicken Soup Rice
$99.00113. 胡椒味菜豬肚湯飯 113. Peppery Pork Stomach Soup Rice
$75.00114. 鹹蛋芥菜肉片湯飯 114. Pork Gai Choy and Salted Egg
$69.00115. 紫菜五寶 115. Combination w/Seaweed
$69.00116. 韓式部隊鍋 116. Korean Army Base Stew
$88.00117. 窩蛋鮮茄豬潤牛肉湯飯 117. Beef Pork Liver Egg and Tomato
$69.00118. 客家黃酒薑絲煮牛肉 118. Beef and Ginger in Rice Wine
$69.00120. 生菜鮮蝦滑 120. Shrimp Paste and Vegetables
$69.00123. 酸菜酸辣深海魚柳湯飯 123. Sour and Spicy Grouper with Preserved Vegetable
$82.00125. 皮蛋芫茜黑魚片 125. Preserved Egg Cilantro and Black Fish Fillet
$72.00126. 客家黃酒薑絲煮滑雞湯飯 126. Chicken and Ginger in Rice Wine
E. 養生養顏淮山麵系列
202. 豬軟骨魚蛋淮山麵 202. Pork Cartilage Fish Balls Yam Noodles
$65.00203. 爆魚肚雞柳淮山麵 203. Fish Maw and Chicken with Yam Noodles
$69.00204. 魚片腐皮魚角淮山麵 204. Fish Fillet Skin Dumplings Yam Noodles
$63.00207. 蝦滑勝瓜淮山麵 207. Shrimp Paste Shonge Gourd with Yam Noodles
$65.00208. 鹹蛋芥菜肉片淮山麵 208. Pork Fai Choy and Salted Egg with Yam Noodles
$68.00209. 香菇貢丸紫菜淮山麵 209. Mushroom Meatballs Seaweed Yam Noodles
$65.00210. 豬潤牛肉淮山麵 210. Pork Liver and Beef with Yam Noodles
$65.00211. 魚腐包漿豆腐淮山麵 211. Fish Tofu Coated Tofu with Yam Noodles
I. 小菜套餐
E2. 果醋豬軟骨 E2. Fruit Vinegar Tenderouos Ribs
$79.00E21. 土魷馬蹄蒸肉餅 E21. Steamed Pork Water Chestnut
$79.00E22. 鹽焗雞(半隻) E22. Salt-Baked Chicken (Half Chicken)
$86.00E26. 魚腐包漿豆腐娃娃菜 E26. Tofu Skin with Juicy Tofu Baby Chinese Cabbage
$68.00E29. 梅菜扣肉 E29. Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable
$79.00E24. 雲耳蒸滑雞 E24. Steamed Silky Chicken with Cloud Ear Fungus
J. 蒸魚套餐
F4. 豉汁蒸黃花魚 F4. Steamed Yellow Croaker Fish In Black Bean Sauce
$81.00F5. 麵醬蒸比目魚 F5. Steamed Flat Fish in Miso Sauce
$88.00F6. 豉汁蒸黃立倉 F6. Steamed Snubnose Pampano Black Bean Sauce
$86.00F17. 麵醬蒸海鱸魚 F17. Steamed Striped Bass in Miso Sauce
L. 滋味熱爐
P55. 錦繡十三 P55. The Thirteen Beauties
$118.00P56. 胡椒味菜雙肚 P56. Peppery Vegetable and Double Pork Belly